10 Apr 6 Tips to Keep Your Skin Healthy
Everybody likes to have an oil-free glowing skin whether they are getting ready for an occasion or carrying on their daily businesses. There are several factors that need attention when you take care of your skin. These ten tips will help you maintain that glow on your face while also keeping yourself fresh.
Eating healthy
You will need to make a couple of changes in your eating habits and avoid oily food. Having a diet containing green vegetables, citrus fruits, and whole grains will help your skin be at its best. Fish and nuts are helpful in removing bad oils from your body. Cut down on junk food, soda drinks, and candies. Keep yourself hydrated all the time, which will cleanse all the toxins from your body.
Avoid smoking
Smoking bad for your lungs but can also have damaging effects on your skin if you are a regular smoker. According to research, when you smoke, your body becomes more prone to wrinkles, and your skin will look older. Smoking reduces the skin’s elasticity and also depletes oxygen and other nutrients from the body really fast.
Control your makeup
Makeup is necessary to look good every day, but too much application of cosmetics can block the skin pores, and your skin will have trouble breathing. It can cause breakouts and skin irritation which can create rashes. Always remember to remove your make up when you are back home cleansing your face properly. Overnight application of makeup can cause great damage to your skin.
Get proper sleep
The dark circles under your eyes are caused by sleep deprivation. You need your beauty sleep every day so you can wake up feeling fresh. Alteast 6-8 hours of sleep is necessary at night time to make your body replenish all the energy as well as repair its skin damage. Also, keep your sheets and pillows clean to avoid any dirt on your skin which cause oiling and irritation.
Use sunscreen
Vitamin D is necessary for the body, but prolonged exposure can be dangerous. It can cause wrinkles and age spots while also increasing the risk of skin cancer. When you are going out on a hot day, always remember to apply sunscreen (SPF 15 or stronger) to protect your skin. Try not to get into the sun for too long and wear comfortable full sleeve clothes to prevent sunburns.
Get facial
Cleansing, facial, and moisturizing your skin is really important. The facials can help in deep cleaning of the skin pores and refreshes the skin that has been dry for too long. You should cleanse your skin regularly to remove dirt and bacteria which can damage your skin. Moisturizers can maintain the moisture levels of your skin and keep it hydrated with the natural oils.