Must-Know Beauty Tips for Oily Skin

Must-Know Beauty Tips for Oily Skin

Beauty Tips

Must-Know Beauty Tips for Oily Skin

Oily skin is quite hard to deal with as is caused by overactive sebaceous glands which produce excess sebum. Oily skin can make your skin look shiny and greasy, which can lead to acne. There is a lot of things that you can do, which will allow you to control the oil on your skin. Here are some of the most essential beauty tips which will enable you to have the right advice for beautiful skin.


Cleansing is one of the most effective ways which can allow you to control the excess oil in your skin which makes it easier for one to keep it clean all the time. Cleanse your face twice a day and make sure that you are getting rid of all the oil and dirt build-up which can lead to acne and clogged pores. There are many foaming gel-based cleansers which work the best on oily skin. There are other face washes which allow you to fight the oil build-up. It is important that you are not very harsh on your skin which can strip your skin of its natural moisture which can activate the sebaceous glands even more rather than helping your skin.



Oily skin can look shiny and oil, but it is important to note that oil can easily trap dead skin cells. Exfoliation can lead to the surface of your skin to be cleaned, which will allow the acne and acne scars to fade away. Exfoliating should be done twice a week to keep your skin more healthier. Exfoliation is hard on the skin as itself try to make sure that you are gentle with your scrubbing as well.

Use a face mask once a week

Face mask and face packs can help ensure that you have additional benefits as well. You can also make your very own mask with the ingredients available in your kitchen. Mix lemon and pulp from papaya on your face and let it sit on your face for 20 minutes and rinse off with cold water. This is one of the most effective at helping you control the oils.

Use alcohol-free toner

Use alcohol-free toner

Toner is one such ingredient which will allow you to restore your natural PH. Rosewater is also something which makes for a better toner. Toner also is exceptionally good when it comes to helping with getting rid of excess sebum.


Just because your skin is oily does not mean that you can skip the moisturiser. Hydration is very important as you do not want to strip your skin of its natural moisture. Try to make sure that you are encouraging your skin to produce less by providing it with the moisture.